Thursday, August 15, 2013

Building a class library? Refreshing your choices?

As I was decompressing from the amount of things I keep adding to my to do list, I decided to surf Pinterest for a few minutes. If I can't cross things off my list - why not look at more things I don't have time for, right? Then I saw this pin.... Oooo, books!

The pin features essential books for grades 3-5 to have in your library. If you go to the the We are Teachers website it has detailed descriptions of several books that would fit each genre. If you're a new teacher or trying to refresh your library - this is a great resource to use! I know after spending several days reorganizing and leveling my library, I felt like I'm on the right track as I saw several titles in my library on this list! You can click on the graphic or click here to learn more.

Good luck as everyone continues back to school,



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