Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday Snapshots & Back to School Sales!

School starts next Wednesday for me. I'm having my normal back to school anxiety right about now. Is everything done? Is it ready? So, what relieves stress better than shopping? The answer is nothing! In honor of back to school, TPT is hosting their back to school sales starting August 18th - 19th! In honor of their sale, I'm also hosting my own sale with everything in my store (sorry, there isn't much) 15% off! I need to go through my wish list and check out the sale... click the icon below to get started! Don't forget to use the promo code: BTS13 when checking out.

But now on to the main event. It's time to do a happy dance because 1) I've finally found some time to blog and 2) ....  

And since it's Saturday and I absolutely love taking photos, I'm linking up with Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera for her weekly linky Saturday Snapshops! This week was filled with PD, getting things done in the classroom, and trying to just organize my own thoughts. Ever just sit at your desk and try and decide what to tackle first? I had many of those moments this week... But here are some productive things that came about...

My desk is organized and ready to go - although, I'm probably going to move those  paper clips, they are really bothering me in that spot... You'll also notice in the background student planners are out on the desks and everyone has an assigned seat! Whoo!

Star Wars markers were only $1 for a pack of eight at Target this week! So naturally I bought ten packs! Just a little surprise on each kiddos desk the first day. Last year, I did a mini-mechanical pencil and the "You're Just Write for this Class" tag. This year, I found these and they go with my library theme so well... so I made my own tags!

 New "I Cans" typed up and printed... now I just need to laminate next Monday or Tuesday! Loving the bright colors and half sheets!

Grammar Rocks wall is complete with some Yoda thrown in there. I'm going to use this well to post my mentor sentences that I received from my awesome colleague Amy from the Art of Teaching. She's my grammar guru and huge Jeff Anderson fan - so I'm giving her grammar system a try this year!

Which leads me to this morning, Iggy and I enjoyed some time relaxing in PJ's on the couch... it was nice to have my coffee and watch the DVR without  fretting over getting to school. Plus, who wouldn't want to snuggle with that face?

Hope everyone else has a restful and wonderful weekend,


  1. Love those markers - too cute! That was a great deal and I'm sure the kids will love it!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  2. Your desk is very organized. I need to go work in my room this weekend. Love the picture of Iggy. He's a cutie.
    Thanks for linking up.

  3. I love your first day gift idea! The kids will love them! Your dog is adorable; glad you got some relaxing cuddle time in with him!

    Primarily Speaking

  4. I LOVE your desk. Zebra can brighten any area I think!


    1. Thanks! I love zebra and polka dots! And anything that is bright... I try to make my world a happy place :)

  5. Your desk has so many bright things on it. I'm in love!
    AlisonRockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Thanks! I'm in love with Rango my chameleon tape dispenser right now...I just want to play with him. I'm worse than the kids! Most of my items are from the Target One Spot... anytime I see bright colors, I grab them up! I figure out a use later :)

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