Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My September SLANT BOX!

So, today was hot mess sort of day... We had MAP testing and library. So, I think I saw my homeroom for a total of 20 minutes for actual teaching today. Needless to say after sitting silently during MAP and then listening to the library presentation silently - my students were a bit out of sorts! So, we finished up our mosiacs (on the blog calendar for tomorrow) and called it a day! I did get to teach my second block for the entire class period, however, but my brain was frazzled from earlier in the day.

Here's my desk and back table at the end of the day.... It's a hot mess. I know it. You can tell I was running around all day or teaching... nothing is organized, things are thrown every which way and there is a hot mess of Native American projects on the back table! Yikes!!!

So, I stayed a little later so I could try and tame the choas... I think I succeed at least a little bit.

And then I came home to find my #SLANTbox waiting at my door! It was the perfect treat after a really long hump day! After organizing, grading, and cleaning up my desk... I couldn't wait to see what Laura from Tattling to the Teacher had picked up or thought I may have "forgotten."  Here's a peek at of my extra special treats from Laura:

Laura sent me things that she usually forgets (and actually me, too) like lip balm, sunscreen, an afternoon snack, and ear buds. Plus, of course some things she thought I forgot to pick up like fun post-it notes and lists. I really can't wait to use the Zombie finger post-it notes on something! Awesome! Plus, a country music CD of some great Nashville songs and my personal favorite a Star Wars reading poster for my classroom library! Love it all! Thanks Laura! The Slantbox is such a great opportunity!

I was also able to mail out a great box to Kris from I {heart} Teaching! I had a lot of fun getting to know both these wonderful teachers! The SLANT experience is definitely rewarding, thoughtful, and just makes your insides happy! Plus, I love that it put my bargaining to the test ;) It's amazing what you can do on a budget!  

Don't forget to sign up for October's SLANTbox! The theme is Education can be SCARY! ;)  You don't have to be a blogger to sign up! I know I've recruited quite a few teacher friends because I was so excited about my box for Kris last month! Sign up at Lessons with Coffee - just read Jameson's rules because she's worked REALLY hard on getting it up and running doesn't need the drama! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to keep up with all photographic life!

Happy #Slantboxing,


Please leave me some blogger love. Your comments give me great ideas for making this blog even better! -- Amanda

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