Monday, November 4, 2013

My Daily Schedule Linky

As I was doing some blog reading while trying to recover from this terrible cold this week, I stumbled upon a great new linky party! So, today, I'm linking up with Susan from TGIF for the "What's your Schedule?" linky!

So here's a peek at my daily schedule: 
Special thanks to Graphics from the Pond for the adorable border and smiles!

I essentially teach two identical 2-hour blocks of Language Arts (Reader's Workshop, Writer's Workshop, spelling, word work, and grammar) and Social Studies. Between those blocks this year we have some interruptions for specials and intervention. During our "switch" students go to math and science for an hour each. They have a separate switch time between math and science since they see four blocks of students while my LA/SS teaching partner and I only see two blocks of students.

Homeroom: Homeroom/skills time is when we: write in our planners, collect ALL homework for every teacher, give out write-ups, collect office notes, take attendance, assign class jobs, "pay" students each week, assign absent folder collectors, etc. After students finish with all the homeroom "business" they have a Science Studies Weekly reading assignment to complete. This allows for not only nonfiction reading time but also extra science enrichment/font-loading. Some students are exempt from this assignment and they use this time to practice math facts, get on MobyMax, or receive additional RTI. Teacher Tip: Since students are working on an independent assignment - this gives us, the teachers, time to meet with absent students, allow students to finish a test, work in RTI groups, reply to an email, or take care of any other classroom business!

Specials: In fifth grade, students go as a class to specials. Their specials rotate weekly so that they will see each teacher approximately the same number of days/weeks per trimester. Our specials include art, music, health, gym, and technology. 

Intervention: Intervention time is when students receive pull out services. These services include support education services, speech, OT, gifted services, and pull out reading help. The students that are left spend the 40 minute block working on enrichment activities or in pull out math group. As a team we try to have a schedule for our intervention block. This year we have: Movie Mondays (educational videos), Teacher Choice Tuesday  (teacher creates an enrichment lesson for math, reading, social studies, or science), Games Wednesday (educational games like Apples to Apples or Quiddler, Spelling & Math Thursdays (spelling enrichment for students who do not need extra math help; math pull out for students needing extra math help), Friday Store/Silent Reading. * The teacher who creates Tuesday's lesson swaps with the Game rooms on Thursday to teach the lesson to those students and vice versa.

We've tried many, many different variations for intervention. Last year, intervention was last period for our team so it was great because we could swap kids and put them into different groups. It was nice to have a "switch" time for intervention. This year since it's in the middle of a teaching block, that is just not possible.

Team Meeting: Our schedule looks the same Monday - Thursday. On Friday, we have a brief homeroom time since we are collecting the morning science work with the other homework. We start class right after homework collection on those days.  Therefore, we take that extra time and move our "homeroom time" from 11:00 - 11:20 for our weekly Team Meeting. 

Other: We go to library every other week from 9:00-9:30 {Block 1}  and from 12:30 - 1:00 {Block 2}. My teaching partner and I go together and take 54 students at time. It's worked out great for book clubs and for days when we do "open wall" team teaching. We rotate what we skip that day due to library it could be - Reading, Writing, or Social Studies.

Don't forget to head over to TGIF to check out everyone else's daily schedules! It's amazing to see how everyone else's days look!

Happy Monday,



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