Friday, December 6, 2013

Five for Friday: Wrapping things up!

This year is completely flying past me! I feel like I've been neglecting my blog and my postings. I really need a calendar and to make some time for my little ol' blog. But, since it is Friday and I haven't linked up in a while, I'm going to join up with Doodle Bug's Teaching for her Five for Friday linky!

This week has been a whirl wind to say the least... here's a peek back at my week!
As part of nonfiction Reader's Workshop, we've been working on summarizing nonfiction texts different ways. Here is our "Five Finger" summary of an article about getting enough sleep! This strategy seemed to be easy for all my students. This student had a rock star summary that was definitely photo worthy!

In Writer's Workhop, we're nonfiction writing as well! Students are writing problem-solution feature articles for National Geographic Explorer. Students are really getting into their topics and thanks to my ATP Amie, I had my own mini-research station! I also found these fabulous note sheets on TPT thanks to Mrs. Heeren's Happenings! Check out her Nonfiction Notes for free at her store! I also purchased the Nonfiction Writing Unit from Lightbulb Minds to help students choose a topic, create a glossary, and write an introduction! I'm loving this writing unit!

In Social Studies we flew to the Midwest region on our very own Crop Duster planes! The students did a great job with this activity! Along the way we created Midwest Scrapbooks of our journey. Wish I would have taken some photos of the students' planes and scrapbooks.

We have a four day weekend this week thanks to our first SNOW DAY! The dogs were very excited to be off school for the day. We had some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and I got caught up on many of my DVRed shows from the week! It's really the best text to get at 5am!

Since school has been crazy busy lately trying to wrap up our reading, writing, and social studies before winter break... I've also been trying to get "wrapping" on my own personal winter break "To Do" list. I'm about half way through my holiday shopping. I used part of my snow day to wrap the gifts I have. The rest are still in transit. Thanks Cyber Monday!

Happy Friday!


  1. Hi Amanda. What cute pups you have! I bet they love the snow, too -- it does help to be wearing a fur coat. I love your polka dots! I live just north of Boston - no snow day yet - thankfully. I'd rather get out early.

  2. We have had snow, but not enough for a snow day - Enjoy your extra days off!

  3. Very interesting! Thanks you

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Please leave me some blogger love. Your comments give me great ideas for making this blog even better! -- Amanda

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