Friday, July 11, 2014

Oh, Snap! It's Five for Friday!

It's FRIDAY! Wooo-whoo! Who would have thought I'd be so excited for a Friday over the summer? However, this just happens to be the Friday before vacation. I haven't been on a vacation longer than a weekend in a very, very long time. I'm so excited to be get away for a week to eat yummy foods, relax with the boyfriend, and hopefully take in some touristy sites! But before then, I thought I'd get back to blogging and link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her amazing Five for Friday linky!

So here's what I've been up to this week...
Okay, so the awesome collaborators over at Blog Hoppin' have set up "Oh, Snap!" an Instagram scavenger hunt with some amazing prizes! I love a good scavenger hunt and seeing everyone else's photos via Instagram. You should definitely check out the contest, rules, and, of course, the fabulous prizes! The contest runs until August 6th... so there is still PLENTY of time!

I'm working on training my crazy Italian Greyhound to ride in the back seat for vacation. He is very accustomed to riding up front but I can't ride in the back of the car for 6+ without an unlimited supply out Dramamine. He's been not so pleased about his new seating arrangement. We bought a pet hammock and it does seem to help when he's not trying to crawl under it to get up front... Suggestions?

Took some time out this week to check out the new African  Painted Dog exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo. Pretty amazing! The ostriches get sooo close! The painted dog himself was rather shy but the rest of the African Velt was out and about! If you live in the area follow @CincinnatiZoo on Instagram and check out #cincyzoopic for some awesome Kodak Moments.

Back to school shopping already? I've hit Target twice already for some teacher back to school necessities. I just need a few packs of colored pencils and a fun new binder and I'm ready {supply wise} for this new school year. However, I'm looking hard at investing in a laptop. I haven't had an actual laptop since college {9 years ago} and I had a netbook in between but it's just so slow. I really want something small and portable but I also want to be able to use it for Teachers Pay Teacher or blogging... Not looking to blow the budget either. Decisions, decisions!

Okay, so I've been working on my Kizzy Ann Stamps novel study & more general historical fiction novel study. I have a letter to the parents, about the author, and common core standards done. Now, it's time for the calendar, teaching points, and student handouts. Many of them are made but I just need to make them look much, much cuter to put them on TPT. What would you want to see in a novel study? I've never created anything quite like this before so suggestions are welcome! My store is a hot mess.... Wish me luck!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!
Please follow me on Instagram so we can scavenger hunt together!



  1. Love your zoo pictures! I went to the Cincinnati Zoo many, many, many years ago. We have a place in NC called The Lazy 5 which is so much fun. You can drive through, but it's better if you make a reservation for a horse drawn buggy. They take you through the wild animal preserve and you get to feel the animals! It's amazing.

    My Kinder-Garden

    1. That sounds like fun! We have a place similar not too far from here called The Wilds. It's a drive through preserve as well with lots of animals. Sometimes, it's just nice to feel like you're someplace else! Thanks for leaving a comment!

  2. I haven't jumped on the scavenger hunt band wagon, but I guess I should get going! I love your zoo pictures and love your number letters. What font is that? Happy Friday! :)
    Pinkadots Elementary

    1. The font is Chewy Stewy from Kevin and Amanda if anyone else is looking for a fun new font! It's a great "bubble" font that I use on the blog or in the classroom. I don't think it's possible to have too many fonts :)

      Thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment! :)

  3. I hope you have an awesome vacation! As for a laptop, have you seen the chromeboojs by google? They're reasonably priced (around 250$) and very compact and portable. I think the only downside is that it doesn't have a cd drive but, you could probably find an external one for cheap on Amazon.

    Happy hunting! Have a safe trip

  4. Oh, Iggy! He cracks me up! Go with a Macbook Air. You will thank me later. Just divide the total price by five years and then divide by 365 days of use. You should be able to get the Educator's deal which will also subtract $100 which makes the total cost $.50 per day. That's better than couponing!!!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. In my opinion, a Macbook is absolutely,100% worth the investment. I've had my air for 3 years now and it is as perfect and as fast as it was on day 1, and I LOVE how easily it communicates with my iPhone and iPad.

    Target got me this week too - oops! :)

    My Carolina Classroom

  6. I've been to Target twice this week, Michael's once, and Office Depot once! I love your greyhound! I have two rescue Bassets who like to climb back and forth between the front and back, but luckily they only take two block trips to the vet! I bought an HP laptop with Windows 8 on it last summer and have been very happy with it, but both of my adult children swear by their Mac Books!
    Stories and Songs in Second

  7. La ragione popolarità di ristorante milano è che essi presentano i pasti nel modo più fantasioso e creativo possibile. Ogni piatto è come un'opera d'arte per chef italiani. Sono gli unici ristoranti che producono le pizze da 20 pollici, che hanno respirato varie verdure diverse, frutti di mare, le spezie e carni che non si sarebbe nemmeno pensare di combinare.


Please leave me some blogger love. Your comments give me great ideas for making this blog even better! -- Amanda

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