Monday, July 28, 2014

What's my Teaching Ingredients?

Yesterday, was a long day of working in my classroom. Just a few of the countless hours to come. Even though I dread the unpacking, organizing, and sorting. I know I do because I take pride in my classroom and my job. Although, it's tiring and HOT... I also feel excited to start a new year with a new group of students! It {mostly the heat and exhaustion} really got me thinking about why we do it all. Why do we spend countless hours setting up? Laminating? Decorating? Although our "ingredients" for success may differ our objectives are the same. 

So, of course, when I saw that the lovely Miss DeCarbo from Sugar and Spice posted a linky about teaching ingredients, I just had to join in! Everyone's dashes and pinches are a little different but
 we all spend countless hours perfecting our recipes for the success of our students.

Here's my recipe for a happy year....

Also, don't forget to link up with photos of your #HotMessClassroom on the blog or Instagram! It's open for two weeks so you still have plenty of time to capture your progress!

Happy Monday,


Please leave me some blogger love. Your comments give me great ideas for making this blog even better! -- Amanda

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