Monday, February 2, 2015

Communicating Incomplete Online Work

It's been a while since I blogged so I thought, I'd check in and write a quick post about a grading trick that works for me. If you're like me and have students complete assignments online, it's often hard to keep track of write-ups or communicate information to parents about unfinished work.

A trick that works for me is using LABELS! I purchased a huge pack from Quill at the beginning of the year for a really cheap, cheap price. Labels are my way of communicating information to parents via our student planner (next to the write-up) so that parents don't need "log on" and check up on students. I also find that they help give me a visual reminder of who needs a write-up for missing work. Once the label is gone - I know I've met with that student about incomplete/missing online work.

Here are my labels for January's online reading log:

I only filled them out for students that did not complete one or more of my requirements. This was just as easy as recording their names on a post-it note but much more useful.

I also send home a small paper grade sheet with all students, like a graded paper. This goes home with all their graded work for the week. However, sometimes those papers tend to get "lost" where a label is not so easily removed from the planner!

What are some of your favorite grading tricks for online work?


  1. I love using labels in the classroom! I use them daily to record anecdotal observations!

    Swinging for Success

  2. This is a great idea! Our district is 1:1 and I never really had a system for communicating online work. Definitely going to share this with some teachers at my building! :-)
    also - Your blog is so cute!
    BigTime Literacy

  3. Wish I had found this blog before. The advices in this post are very helpful and I surely will read the other posts of this series too. Thank you for posting this.
    hardsten keukenblad


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